Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pictures from the cruise toward home

As this is posted, we are in Friday Harbor anticipating the final step toward home after the Labor Day weekend.  Rather than writing about the trip back from Alaska, we are posting some of our favorite pictures from along the way.  They should be worth thousands of words and will take much less time to read.  We hope you enjoy them.

A fogbow appears out of the blue as we leave an anchorage on Prince of Whales Island.

Xanadu faces yet another beautiful Alaskan sunset.

The decaying dam in rainy Ocean Fals, BC.

The hike to Sugar Lake in Codville Lagoon Marine Park takes us past some colorful plants.

Driftwood and kelp on the ocean beach of Calvert Island, BC.

A new bridge spans the swamp on the hike to North Beach.

White shell beach at Fury Cove, BC.

Fury Cove sunset.

Merlin heads into the mists of Johnstone Strait, BC.

"The Cabin" in the Octopus Islands is full of mementos left by visiting boaters.

Roxie, Susan, Rod, and John pay a visit to "The Cabin."

Sunset at Rebecca Spit near Desolation Sound, BC.

The dawn of the new day colors the sky as we make an early entrance into the Strait is Georgia.

The mountains of Desolation Sound in the early morning.

San Juan Islands sunset.

Mooring lines hang ready for the next port.

Don't bug me.  I am in my traveling place under the steps to the bridge and I am going to stay here until we get to our destination.

The sun tries to burn through the fog at Spencer Spit in the San Juan Islands.

Xanadu is all alone in an anchorage on the seldom visited west side of Prince of Whales Island, AK.

A cloudy day heading south through the Inside Passage through British Columbia.

Merlin passes by one of the many waterfalls we encounter.

Everybody and their dog enjoys the beach after a hike to Sugar Lake, BC.

Close-up of a lichen (combination of an alga and a fungus.)

Raindrops on skunk cabbage is one of my favorite things.

Roxie on West Beach near Pruth Bay on Calvert Island, BC.

Fresh wolf tracks on North Beach.  No one was here but us and the wolves.

The paw print of a healthy sized wolf.

Kayaking the kelp beds along the margins of Queen Charlotte Strait, BC.

A sign I spotted along the beach in Blunden Harbor, BC.

A Red Throated Loon.  These birds have a loud plaintive call unlike the common Loon.

Another shot of Merlin and the strange mists of Johnstone Strait.

The Deans and the Caples take a lunch break on the beach after a walk in the woods.

The hikers have picked red huckleberries, for a pie.

A yellow slime mold along the trail.  

John floats in the warm and crystal clear water of Newton Lake near the Octopus Islands.  Thanks Sir Isaac!

The rocky beach on the outside of Rebecca Spit, BC.

Nice legs!

Rock on!

A bee sips the nectar of a thistle on Newcastle Island, BC.

Catching a ride on Wallace Island in the Gulf Islands of BC.

The Great Blue Heron of Princess Cove, Wallace Island.

Being in a kayak makes it easy to approach wildlife.

A swim in a lake on Pender Island.

Turn Point Lighthouse on Stuart Island in the San Juan Islands.

Mt. Baker from Mt. Constitution on Orcas Island.

We encountered a huge pod of orcas in San Juan Channel just off of Yellow Island.

A harbor seal on Jones Island in the San Juan Islands.

We named this one Curious George, as he kept surfacing by my kayak to look at me.

Normally these animals are quite shy, but this one seemed to have little fear of me (for good reason.)

Happy rocks on Sucia Island in the San Juan Islands.

Roxie's rock art has appealed to a yellow jacket and his captured isopod.

The rock artist at play near Fossil Bay on Sucia Island.

Rock art by Rox.

Petrified Rockasaurus.


  1. Love the promise of the rainbow, and all the glorious sunrises and sunsets.

    That was one big wolf!!!!
